Karelian Diamond Resources plc said it had identified two anomalies possibly representing the kimberlitic source of the green diamond in the Kuhmo region of eastern Finland.

The findings are from data based on a semi-airborne unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) detailed electromagnetic survey over the green diamond target area.
The diatreme-shaped anomalies, that could also identify the “indicator mineral fan”, are up-ice of the two “highly anomalous” basal till sample locations noted in the 2023 pitting programme and the green diamond 2017 discovery in till.
Karelian added it had classified the target as a high priority for drilling as part of its 2025 operation plans.
“We are delighted that this new innovative UAV geophysical survey has been so successful in the identification of a diatreme shape kimberlite target and possible source of the green diamond, ” said managing director Maureen Jones.
The company future activities also include progressing exploration in Northern Ireland and the Lahtojoki mining project, also in Finland.