Helium One Global Ltd’s partner has mobilised the rig to the Jackson-31 well site at the Galactica-Pegasus joint venture project in Las Animas County, Colorado, USA. DEVELOPMENT Operator Blue Star Helium is in the process of rigging up ahead of the start of drilling. The full development programme for Galactica involves 15 wells with the initial […]
Tag: drilling
Karelian identifies possible green diamond source
Karelian Diamond Resources plc said it had identified two anomalies possibly representing the kimberlitic source of the green diamond in the Kuhmo region of eastern Finland. TARGET The findings are from data based on a semi-airborne unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) detailed electromagnetic survey over the green diamond target area. The diatreme-shaped anomalies, that could also […]
Poor weather delays Galactica-Pegasus drilling
Helium One Global Ltd’s partner has deferred drilling at the Galactica-Pegasus helium project because of saturated ground caused by poor weather. COSTS The company holds a 50-50 joint venture with operator Blue Star Helium in the Las Animas County project, Colorado. Ground conditions and snow melt prevented construction of well sites and access roads, but the […]
Clogau blasting reveals visible sulphides-gold
Alba Mineral Resources plc reported “large” amounts of visible sulphide mineralisation in blasted rocks, indicating associated gold mineralisation, at its Clogau-St David’s gold mine. BULK SAMPLE The company has also noted visible gold within the blasted ore. Drilling and blasting at level 5 on the Llechfraith target continues round the clock, with a team of […]
Kavango drills for large scale potential at Nara
Kavango Resources plc has begun a new phase of drilling to explore the potential for a “large-scale underground gold mine” at its Nara project in Matabeleland, southern Zimbabwe. STRUCTURE Equity Drilling Zimbabwe will drill an initial three holes for 1,500m to test for laterally extensive gold mineralisation across “multiple” mineralised shears, or reefs. Nara contains […]
Deeper drilling in Viura-1B ‘exceeds expectations’
Prospex Energy plc said that the Viura-1B development well had exceeded expectations with good gas shows and several potential reservoirs at the onshore field in northern Spain. INSPIRATIONAL Drilling began in June, reaching the new target total depth of 4,500 metres, approximately 4,100m true vertical depth, on 21 October. The well had encountered the main […]