Victoria Oil & Gas plc (VOG)’s subsidiary and operator Gaz du Cameroun S.A. (GDC) has received a one-year extension for the Matanda Block licence in Cameroon.

The extension for the 1,235 km2 block which lies adjacent to GDC’s Logbaba concession is effective from 17 December 2021.
VOG said its estimate of prospective resources remained unchanged at 1,196 Bcf in the onshore Matanda licence, which the area of initial focus.
“Using the environmental and social impact assessment, coupled with the addition of ESG issues to the prospect evaluation table, resulted in a well location that is on Government-owned, late life plantation land, and over 3km km from any dwellings.
“The site is also away from areas of vulnerable Mangrove forestation which conservationists are working hard to protect in the coastal areas on the Matanda Block.”
VOG said it had ordered many of the long lead items, drawn up a shortlist of eight suitable rigs and would next year invite tenders.
“The total drilled depth of the first well will be less than 1,300m, and it will be vertical, so a trailer-mounted rig of modest power (1,000 HP) will suffice.
“As there are no other onshore drilling operations in Cameroon, the rig will need to be sourced from overseas.
“The current schedule shows a Q2 2022 spud date, subject to finalisation of the costings and the necessary funding being available.
The Matanda Block lies in the northern part of the Douala Basin and borders GDC’s Logbaba concession.
Approximately 30% of the block is in shallow water while the remainder is onshore.
In December 2018, GDC gained 75% ownership and became operator of the Matanda PSC with Afex Global Ltd holding the remaining 25%.
Société Nationale Des Hydrocarbures has a 25% back in right after an exploitation licence is granted.