Red Rock Resources plc has started a 2,000m reverse circulation drill programme while continuing exploration and surveys in its 100% owned Mikei gold project (MGP), in the Migori greenstone belt, Kenya.

Drilling follows receipt of necessary permits and targets the Central Kakula-Kalange-Munyu gold prospect in the centre of the MGP.
The company also continues exploration, with 54 line km of the planned 115 line km of IP survey covered, in the Masurura area of the Eastern licence in the MGP.
In addition, a 300 line km magnetic survey has started at Kurutyange, also part of the Eastern licence, following completion of an 11 line km survey at the MK prospect north of Central KKM.
The 2,000m RC drilling involves hole depths planned between 60m and 220m with a possibility of extending the programme.
The campaign also follows up some of the recommendations with a revised mineral resource estimate (MRE) in February, covering the five prospects which together comprise the MGP.
Drilling focuses on improving the confidence and classification of future MREs at the MGP through infill drilling, and by targeted step-out drilling, potentially to increase the size of the mineral resource.
“We have 19 drill pads ready for the rig and the laboratory is ready to receive the first shipment of samples for assay in the coming weeks,” said Red Rock project manager Joseph Komu.
“We are optimistic that this initial programme will spur an extended drill programme that will advance the Resource to the next stages of development.”
The project comprises two prospecting licences, PL/2018/0202 and PL/2018/0203, which cover approximately 245 km2 over the Migori greenstone belt.
Both licences lie along the northern margin of the Tanzanian Craton and extend 63km along strike of the belt, which also hosts the Kilimapesa gold treatment plant.
The North Mara gold mine, operated by Barrick Gold, is located 30km to the south of the MGP in Tanzania.
In 2010, Red Rock began file organisation, data digitisation and compilation of available historical data.
During 2011 and 2012, the company conducted an infill drilling programme at all five of the lode gold prospects: MK, Kakula-Kalange-Munyu (KKM), Kakula-Kalange-Munyu West (KW), Nyanza (NZ), and Gori Maria (GM) within PL/2018/0202.
The total mineral resource estimate, at both inferred and indicated levels, was estimated at 15.13 Mt @ 1.49 g/t Au with contained metal content of 723 KOz Au.