Power Metal Resources plc has started initial exploration, through its subsidiary Power Canada, on the Authier North lithium property in Quebec, Canada.

The 2021 Phase I programme will include prospecting and mapping completed by a senior geologist with extensive Quebec lithium-pegmatite exploration experience.
As part of the programme, at least 180 soil samples will be collected from four separate grids within the property.
Power Metal said that the soil sampling grids had been oriented within strategic areas of the property.
These include high-resolution coverage over the east-west oriented volcanic rock packages and to the north of the Authier project.
The work programme will satisfy the first year work requirements outlined in the Authier North earn-in agreement.
Power Metal said that the in-country geological consultants would also complete a technical fieldwork report delivered in a NI43-101 compliant form.
Chief executive Paul Johnson added that a substantial lithium oxide reserve had been delineated at the nearby Sayona Mining project.
“The geological proposition is that the lithium mineralisation may potentially extend into the Power Canada Authier North property, and if so, that there is potential for a lithium discovery.
“Because of this geological potential, Power Metal have been eager to accelerate exploration and so we announce this first programme today, only two months after the Authier North transaction was originally announced to the market.”