Alba Mineral Resources plc announced confirmation of very high graphite ore content, which was among the highest flake deposits in the world, at its drill-ready Amitsoq project in southern Greenland.

The company said that results of independent test work programme on graphite material from the site also demonstrated that more than 96% graphite concentrate could be produced.
In addition, many of the inherent characteristics exhibited by Amitsoq graphite were positive.
Results also revealed that the ore crushes easily and comminution and flotation could also be easily achieved.
Alba added that, subject to further tests, the test work indicated Amitsoq graphite was suitable as feed material for lithium-ion batteries (LIBs).
Latest test work by ProGraphite GmbH achieved carbon content of 97% by flotation, and some fractions of up to 98% carbon could also be possible.
In order to protect the flakes during flotation, multiple milling and attritioning was applied.
After the stage 7 flotation step, the carbon content of the concentrate reached 96.2% LOI. Most of the analytical testwork was carried out on this concentrate.
A further 300g of the concentrate was subjected to another round of attritioning and flotation which resulted in a carbon content of 97.2% LOI.
ProGraphite will now undertake the next phase of test work to assess the purification behaviour of the material.
Alba added that the particle size distribution should be suitable to use in LIBs. The company also expected confirmation that it was possible to lower the impurities in the concentrate to typical values for LIBs.
“The successful completion of this test work phase is a timely affirmation of the potential of the Amitsoq project and reinforces our aim to drill the deposit later this year,” said executive chairman George Frangeskides.
“The test work has confirmed that a high-grade saleable concentrate can be produced from Amitsoq graphite.
“With the input of recognised graphite experts ProGraphite, we now see a path opening up for Amitsoq graphite to be used in the dynamic and ever-expanding global electric vehicle sector.”
Graphite is a non-toxic, chemically inert material with high electric and thermic conductivity, excellent lubricity and thermal shock resistance.
It is used in various industrial applications and is the anode material in lithium-ion batteries.
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