Hummingbird Resources plc said it would continue to adhere to the World Gold Council (WGC)’s, Responsible Gold Mining Principles (RGMPs) as the company also outlined its Mali community projects for 2021.

The junior gold miner added it would also look at its tailings facility and work practices to comply with environmental, social and governance (ESG) standards.
During 2020, Hummingbird rehabilitated six key water infrastructure bore holes at locally supported market gardens in Mali employing some 675 local people.
It also completed the 2020 tree rehabilitation programme, consisting of more than 8,000 trees, and began development planning the ‘Hummingbird Tree Initiative’ for tree cultivation and an on-site nursery.
The junior miner also conducted extensive community and onsite training on Covid-19, HIV, traffic safety, and site zero-harm protocols.
Additionally, it initiated standard and hygiene improvement at the four Hummingbird-supported poultry farms which employ some 40 locals and at the local healthcare clinic.
GOALS: 2021
During 2021, the company plans to finalise an initial GAP analysis on current work practices and policies before moving towards the next step of identified GAP closure.
Hummingbird will also finalise the US$2 million capex improvement to the tailing’s storage facilities (TSF) before the rainy season for 2021 begins and continue to monitor “vigorously” TSF.
Hummingbird announced it aimed to enhance and improve current community projects for the long term. These include:
Rehabilitation: plant 8,000 trees across 20 hectares and develop the Hummingbird Tree Initiative.
Water: upgrade and rehabilitate water systems at company-supported village market gardens.
Hummingbird also intends to add new water supply at an anticipated new market garden at Bougoudale village; upgrade three market garden water systems at Tiemba, Komana and Fougatie villages; rehabilitate three existing water supply boreholes at Sanioumale, Tientogo and Makandiana villages; and add a new water well at the Tientogo market garden.
Community health: support a new local community health doctor at the Bougoudale Health Centre.
Schools: support 11 teacher salaries at eight local schools and increase school infrastructure support by repairing Bougoudale teacher accommodation. Hummingbird will also rehabilitate three classrooms at the Komissana school.
Market gardens: develop two market gardens at the villages of Bougoudale and Tientogo. Current market gardens support some 675 local workers with produce sold at local markets and the Yanfolila mine site. Once developed, the additional two market gardens will support 700-800 local workers.
Poultry farms: develop two new local village poultry farm. Hummingbird already supports four local poultry farms which have 40 full time employees. The miner will help the farms improve hygiene standards and manufacturing capabilities as well as turning them into long-term businesses.
Soap manufacturing: continued support and enhanced training on business and improving the soap manufacturing process in partnership with FAFPA Mali (a national structure which sponsors development projects and training). The Yanfolila Mali mine will continue to purchase soap products to deter the spread of Covid-19.
Beehives: ongoing training support and sponsorship of beehive manufacturing education with the aim to divert local artisanal miners towards sustainable employment.
Malaria spraying: Hummingbird expects to continue the historically successful malaria community spraying programmes in partnership with key contractors.
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